Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishthan's
Institute for Advanced Computing and Software Development



After doing this course students can work as:

  • • System Administrator
  • • Network Security Professional
  • • Web Security Tester
  • • Information Security Analyst


The Post Graduate Diploma in IT Infrastructure,Systems and Security (PG-DITISS) is a fulltime post graduate course comprising of 9 Compulsory Modules, aptitude, communication and a Project.


The educational eligibility criteria for PG-DITISS course is:
1. Graduate in Engineering (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation, OR
2. MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
3. Post Graduate in Mathematics / Statistics, OR
4. MCA
5. The candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in their qualifying examination.

Note: The candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in their qualifying examination

A candidate seeking admission to PG-DITISS course must appear for SECTION A and B test papers of C-CAT 2024.

Application Form:

C-DAC's application form is common to PG-Diploma in IT Infrastructure,Systems and Security (PG-DITISS) Application forms for all the courses are to be filled online at http://acts.cdac.in (recommended).

C-CAT Application Fee:
Category-wise C-CAT examination fee

Course Category

C-CAT Paper(s)

Examination fee



Rs. 1350/-



Rs. 1550/-



Rs. 1750/-

After filling the online C-CAT application form, the examination fee may be paid online through the ‘Make Payment’ step on the main menu of the online application. No cheque or demand draft (DD) will be accepted towards payment of C-CAT examination fee.

Online: The examination fee can be paid using credit/debit cards and net banking through the payment gateway that will be opened upon clicking the 'Online' option of the 'Make Payment' step. Candidates are advised to follow the instructions/steps given on the payment gateway, and also print/keep the transaction details for their records.


Admissions to all PG Diploma courses of C-DAC are done through C-DAC's Computerised Common Admission Test (C-CAT). Candidates have to apply for C-CAT online at www.cdac.in or acts.cdac.in . Every year, C-CAT is usually conducted in July(for Sept admissions) and January (for March admissions).

Candidates will be provided ranks based on their performance in Section A, Sections A+B, Sections A+B+C of C-CAT. Along with the ranks, information on how many candidates are there above him/her in the courses applied will also be indicated.

If a candidate appears for multiple sections, he/she will be provided multiple ranks depending on his/her choice of courses at the time of filling the application form. For example, if a candidate appears for Sections A and B and had chosen courses under Category I and Category II in the application form, he/she shall be provided two ranks: (i) based on the performance in Section A, and (ii) based on the performance in Sections A+B. However, if a candidate appears for Sections A and B but had chosen only courses under Category II in the application form, he/she will be provided only one rank based on the performance in Sections A+B.

Candidates with the lowest 10% performances in Section A, Section B and Section C will not be considered for ranking in any category. Even after the removal of the lowest 10% performers as stated above, if there exist candidates in any category with zero or less than zero marks, then these candidates are also not considered for ranking. The remaining candidates will be ranked based on their performance in Section A (for candidates who have applied for Category I courses), total performance in Sections A+B (for candidates who have applied for Category II courses), and total performance in Sections A+B+C (for candidates who have applied for Category III courses).

If two or more candidates have acquired the same marks in Section A or Sections A+B or Sections A+B+C, then the candidate having more marks in Section A will be given the higher rank. If these candidates have the same marks in Section A also, then the candidate having higher value in the ratio of 'number of correct answers / number of attempted questions' in the specific section required only for that category of courses will be given the higher rank. Candidates who have the same value of this ratio and having the same total marks as well as marks in Section A will be given the same rank.

Admissions to C-DAC's PG Diploma courses at various training centres will be offered in the order of ranks obtained in C-CAT and based on the preferences of courses and centres given by the candidates. Only those candidates who are in the C-CAT rank-list will be considered for admissions to C-DAC's PG Diploma courses.

Rank-lists of Jan 2024 C-CAT are only applicable for admission to the March 2024 intake of C-DAC's PG Diploma courses. Candidates should note that mere appearance in C-CAT or being in any of the rank-lists neither guarantees nor provides any automatic entitlement to admission. Qualified candidates will have to apply for admission as per the prescribed procedure.

Important dates related to admission to C-DAC’s PG Diploma courses of September 2023

Sr No.
1 Beginning of Online Registration and Application for C-CAT 28 November 2024         
2 Closing of Online Registration & Application, and Payment of Application Fee 30 December 2024         
3 Downloading of C-CAT Admit Cards 7 - 11 January 2025         
4 C-DAC's Common Admission Test (C-CAT) 11 January 2025          12 January 2025
5 Announcement of C-CAT Ranks 24 January 2025         
6 Online Selection of Courses and Centers (1st Counseling) 24 - 29 January 2025         
7 Declaration of First Round of Seat Allocation 31 January 2025         
8 Last Date of Payment of first installment for candidates allocated seats through the first round 6 February 2025 (till 5pm)         
9 Declaration of Second Round of Seat Allocation 8 February 2025         
10 Last Date of Payment of first installment for candidates allocated seats through the second round 12 February 2025 (till 5pm)         
11 Payment of Caution Deposit and Online selection of course and centre (2nd Counseling) 13 - 18 February, 2025 (till 5 pm)         
12 Declaration of Third Round of Seat Allocation(based on 2nd Counseling) 19 February 2025         
13 Last Date of Payment of Balance Course Fee 21 February 2025         
14 Last Date of Registration of Students 24 February 2025         
15 Start of PG Diploma Courses across India 25 February 2025         


PG-DITISS course will be delivered in fully PHYSICAL mode. The total course fee and payment details are as detailed herein below:
The total course fee is INR. 90,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by Government of India (GOI).
The course fee for PG-DITISS has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.

  • First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
  • Second installment is INR. 80,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

  • The course fee includes expenses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and placement assistance provided.

    The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as applicable at the time of payment is to be paid online as per the schedule. It can be paid using credit/debit cards through the payment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be paid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.
    The second installment of the course fees is to be paid before the course commencement through NEFT.

    NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accepted at any C-DAC training centre towards payment of any installment of course fees.


    1) From the current academic year admissions to all PG diploma courses will be made through a common Admission test (C-CAT).
    2) C-CAT will be conducted in the form of three test papers labeled as

    SECTION - A (English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Computer Fundamentals & Concepts of Programming)
    SECTION - B (C Programming, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming Concepts using C++, Operating Systems & Networking, Basics of Big Data & Artificial Intelligence)
    SECTION - C ((Computer Architecture, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors)

    Depending upon the choice(s) of the programme(s) made by the candidate he/she will have to either appear in just one test paper (SECTION - A) or two test papers (SECTION - A and SECTION - B) or all the three test papers (SECTION - A, SECTION - B and SECTION - C).

    Depending on the course chosen, candidate need to appear for the test papers (relevant sections) as per the table given below:

    Programme(s) Test paper(s) to be taken

    PG Diploma in IT Infrastructure,Systems and Security (PG-DITISS)

    Section A + Section B

    3) Those Candidates who qualify in C-CAT 2024 (every occurrence) will be offered admission to various PG diploma courses covered on the basis of their ranks and choices. There is no age restriction to appear in C-CAT 2024.

    4) C-CAT 2024 will be held on 13 Jan 2024 and 14 Jan 2024. Candidates may choose one of the city as per their convenience while filling the application. The choice of date once made will not be altered unless approved in writing by C-DAC.

    5) To apply for admission to a desired programme, a candidate is required to qualify in the corresponding test paper(s) and also satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria of the respective academic programme

    6) There is no age restriction for admission to C-DAC’s PG Diploma courses. Candidates who have appeared for the final examination of their qualifying degree in 2024 will also be considered for admission to the above courses. By qualifying in C-DAC's admission tests of Jan 2024, such university result-awaiting candidates can apply for provisional admission in August 2024 Batch, subject to the condition that: (a) All parts of their qualifying degree examination shall be completed by the date of joining the course, and (b) Proof of having passed the qualifying degree with at least the required minimum marks shall be submitted at C-DAC by 30 June 2023.

    7) The candidates will be provided ranks based on their performance in Section A, Section A+B, Section A+B+C. If a candidate appears in multiple sections, he/she shall be provided multiple ranks accordingly. For example if a candidate appears in Section A and Section B, he/she shall be provided two ranks, based on performance in Section A and based on performance in Section A and B. A candidate can appear only in those sections which are chosen at the time of filling in the application. A candidate, who has not appeared for a particular section, will not get any position in the merit lists, which span over that section. For each programme a separate merit list will be prepared from the list of candidates opting for that programme. Admissions to various programmes at different centres will be made on the basis of merit in C-CAT 2023 subject to fulfilling of eligibility requirements.

    Candidates should note that mere appearance in C-CAT 2023 or being in any of the merit list neither guarantees nor provides any automatic entitlement to admission. Qualified candidates will have to apply for admission as per the prescribed procedure. Admissions shall be made in order of merit based on the choice exercised by the candidate and depending on the number of seats available in the programmes at the Admitting Centre(s).

    9) With regard to the interpretation of the provisions of any matter not covered in this Information Brochure, the decision of the C-DAC shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned.

    The C-CAT will test the candidate's knowledge of the above topics. The candidate must possess good knowledge of C Language in terms of the syntax and its appropriate use. The candidate should carefully study the books recommended herein. However, merely reading language constructs from the book cannot develop programming ability. It is absolutely necessary to actually write one's own code in C Language and implement at least 100 good C Programs on a computer. These programs should be of increasing complexity and should exploit appropriate constructs and advanced features of C. Candidates should solve all the problems given in the recommended books. This will help the candidates in not only mastering the language but also develop good problem solving ability, which is most critical for any successful career.

    The applicant should also practice the use of good features of the language, modularize his/her code, put suitable comments to improve readability of the code, make extensive use of library routines and format the programs to express the logical flow clearly.

    The candidate should note that the rigorous programming practice as prescribed above is not only required to succeed in the C-CAT but is also required to learn various modules of PG-DITISS with rapid pace. The rigorous programming practice is in fact the most important prerequisite to undertake the PG-DITISS Course and possible successful career in the IT industry thereafter. The candidate may avail the facility of online Pre-CAT course. The candidate may also contact the nearest Authorised Training Centre for attending the Pre-CAT course.


    The C-CAT will be conducted in computerized mode in various cities across India.The C-CAT centres will be allocated to candidates on a first-come, first-served basis of application, depending on the centres' seating capacity.

    The C-CAT date and city once selected in the online application form cannot be changed unless approved in writing by C-DAC, subject to availability of seats in requested city. All such signed letters of requests with proof of valid reasons should be received at C-DAC ACTS, 5th Floor, Innovation Park, Sr. No. 34/B/1, Panchvati, Pashan, Pune 411008, before the last date of C-CAT application.
    CCAT-2022 will be conducted in the form of three objective type test papers labeled as

    Section – A(English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Computer Fundamentals & Concepts of Programming)
    Section – B (C Programming, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming Concepts using C++, Operating Systems & Networking, Basics of Big Data & Artificial Intelligence)
    Section – C (Computer Architecture, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors)

    Every section will have 50 objective-type questions of 3 marks each (maximum 150 marks for any one section). Each objective-type question in C-CAT will have four choices as possible answers of which only one will be correct. There will be +3 (plus three) marks for each correct answer and -1 (minus one) for each wrong answer. Multiple answers to a question will be treated as a wrong answer. For each un-attempted question, 0 (zero) mark will be awarded.




    Section A

    English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Computer Fundamentals & Concepts of Programming

    1 hour

    Section B

    C Programming, Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming Concepts using C++, Operating Systems & Networking, Basics of Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

    1 hour

    Section C

    Computer Architecture, Digital Electronics, Microprocessors

    1 hour






    Any High School Grammar Book (e.g. Wren & Martin)

    Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning

    Quantitative Aptitude Fully Solved (R. S. Aggrawal) Quantitative Aptitude (M Tyara) Barron’s New GRE

    Computer Fundamentals & Concepts of Programming

    Foundations of Computing (Pradeep Sinha & Priti Sinha)


    C Programming

    C Programming Language (Kernighan & Ritchie)
    Let Us C (Yashavant Kanetkar)

    Data Structures

    Data Structures Through C in Depth (S. K. Srivastava)

    Operating Systems & Networking

    Operating System Principles (Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne)
    Data Communication & Networking (Forouzan)

    OOP Concepts using C++

    Test Your C ++ Skills (Yashavant Kanetkar)

    Basics of Big Data & AI

    Fundamentals of Data Engineering (Joe Reis, Matt Housley)
    Artificial Intelligence for Dummies (John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron)


    Computer Architecture

    Computer Organization & Architecture (William Stallings)

    Digital Electronics

    Digital Design (Morris Mano)
    Digital Design: Principles & Practices (John Wakerly)
    Modern Digital Electronics (R. P. Jain)


    Microprocessor Architecture, Programming & Applications with 8085 (Ramesh Gaonkar)
    The Intel Microprocessor (Barry Brey)

    August 2024 BATCH C-CAT SCHEDULE

    Schedule of August 2024 batch C-CAT (The slot timings may vary slightly. The final timings will be printed on the admit cards.)

    C-CAT Dates

    Test Paper

    Morning Slot Timings

    Afternoon Slot Timings

    6 July 2024 and 7 July 2024

    Section A

    9:30 am – 10:30 am

    2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

    Section B

    10:45 am – 11:45 am

    3:15 pm – 4:15 pm

    Section C

    12:00 noon – 1:00 pm

    4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

    Important dates related to admission to C-DAC’s PG Diploma courses of August 2024 batch.

    Sr No.
    1 Beginning of Online Registration and Application for C-CAT 28 November 2024         
    2 Closing of Online Registration & Application, and Payment of Application Fee 30 December 2024         
    3 Downloading of C-CAT Admit Cards 7 - 11 January 2025         
    4 C-DAC's Common Admission Test (C-CAT) 11 January 2025          12 January 2025
    5 Announcement of C-CAT Ranks 24 January 2025         
    6 Online Selection of Courses and Centers (1st Counseling) 24 - 29 January 2025         
    7 Declaration of First Round of Seat Allocation 31 January 2025         
    8 Last Date of Payment of first installment for candidates allocated seats through the first round 6 February 2025 (till 5pm)         
    9 Declaration of Second Round of Seat Allocation 8 February 2025         
    10 Last Date of Payment of first installment for candidates allocated seats through the second round 12 February 2025 (till 5pm)         
    11 Payment of Caution Deposit and Online selection of course and centre (2nd Counseling) 13 - 18 February, 2025 (till 5 pm)         
    12 Declaration of Third Round of Seat Allocation(based on 2nd Counseling) 19 February 2025         
    13 Last Date of Payment of Balance Course Fee 21 February 2025         
    14 Last Date of Registration of Students 24 February 2025         
    15 Start of PG Diploma Courses across India 25 February 2025         

    In all matters concerning C-CAT , the decision of C-DAC will be final and binding on all the applicants.


    Given below is the computing setup that exists at our institute. A minimum of 06 hrs per day computer time on a dedicated client node is to be shared by 2 students. The institute is open 24 hours even on all Sundays / Holidays.


    Windows 2012 Server,
    SCO Unix Server with ODT or Fedora or Sun Solaris,
    Application Servers / Dummy Servers configured for various modules.


    Quad Core 1.3 GHz with 8 GBRAM,
    Cisco IOS Simulators
    Threat Management Gateway
    Fast Wide SCSI Interface,
    1 TB Fast HDD (minimum),
    LED Color Monitor (18.5"),
    AGP Card with 4/8 MB VRAM,
    PCI Network Card 10/100 BaseT UTP Ethernet,
    DVD RW Drive,

    Clients Machines / Network Nodes
    Core i7 3.0 Ghz, 8 GB RAM,
    1 TB GB Hard Disk IDE,
    LED Color Monitor (18.5"),
    AGP- 64 Bit VGA Card with 8 MB/4 MB VRAM,
    Multimedia Kit
    PCI Network Card 10/100 BaseT UTP Ethernet,
    Microsoft/Logitech Mouse,
    2 serial ports; 1 parallel port,
    104 Keys Keyboard.

    Network 10/100 BaseT UTP Switches

    Communication and Internet
    Lease Line 16 Mbps Connectivity.

    HP LaserJet Printer

    Additional Lab Equipment / Audio Visual Equipment

    Sound cards,
    Video cards,
    Color Scanner,
    Modem 56 KBPS,
    Television Set,
    Hi-Lumen OHPs,
    Video Projection Unit (SVGA/XGA Compatible).

    Common Software’s and Operating Environments
    SCO Unix OR Fedora and Windows 2008 Server,
    Windows IIS Server, etc,.
    Suitable CASE Tools
    JDK 1.8, JDK, Java Web Server, Eclipse, Jboss,
    Oracle 11g,
    MS SQL Server 2008
    Microsoft Office 2010
    Wireshark, putty, WinSCP, Nmap
    MySQL, MongoDB and NOSQL
    FTK,Disk Imager,C-DAC Tools
    FTK,Disk Imager,C-DAC Tools
    Netcat, OWASP, USB Pratirodh and AppSamvid tools for System security, JS gaurd
    Nessus, Sysinternal Toolkit, Lynis


    The evaluation process forms an important part of the course that leads to conferring the Diploma in Advanced Computing upon the eligible students.
    The evaluation is a continous process that goes on throughout the duration of the course. Normally, evaluation for each module is carried out as soon as the module ends and the results for each module are announced within fifteen days of the end of the module. The final result of the Diploma in Advanced Computing course is usually declared within 15 days of completing evaluation of the final module of the course.

    The evaluation will consist of three components: a written test, a laboratory test and ongoing evaluation of lab assignments.

    The weightage for each component will normally be:

    Weightage Percentage
    Theory examination – (CEE) Conducted By C-DAC ACTS 40%
    Laboratory examination 40%
    Internal marks (Lab assignments, surprise tests, viva, seminars etc. ) 20%

    There may be variation in these ratios for the following modules:

    Operating System Concepts, Software Engineering and Data Communication and Networking. A student will have to score a minimum of 40% marks in each component of the evaluation in order to successfully complete any module. A student will have to successfully complete all modules of the course to be eligible for receiving the Diploma in Advanced Computing. The question papers for the theory as well as the laboratory examinations at all the centers will be set by ACTS, Pune. The evaluation of the written and laboratory will be conducted locally by the centers according to guidelines and model answers provided by ACTS, Pune. The lab examination problems will also be provided by ACTS, Pune.

    The student will be awarded a grade based on his aggregate score of all modules as per the following scale:
    Grade Percentage
    A+ 85% and above
    A 70-84.9 %
    B 60-69.9 %
    C 50-59.9 %
    D 40-49.9 %
    F Below 40%

    A student who is absent for a test or is unable to successfully clear any module at the first attempt may be allowed to appear for a re-examination at the discretion of the course coordinator. However, his score at the re-examination will be de-rated by 20%. Only one re-examination will be conducted.

    A student has to successfully complete all the modules and clear both lab and theory exam in order to be eligible to receive the Diploma in Advanced Computing. Students unable to complete all the modules within the course duration will be awarded a certificate for the modules successfully cleared by him/her. No student will be allowed to appear for any module after completion of the course duration. Performance statements and certificates will be issued to all students by ACTS, Pune within 15 days of completing evaluation of the final module of the course.

    Course Contents

    Introduction to communication system, Overview of Transmission Media, OSI Layers, TCP/IP Models, Router IOS & Security DeviceManager, Managing an Internetworking Router, Overview of LAN (local area networks), VLAN (virtual local area network), Configuration of switch, Overview of STP, Discussion of Networking Protocols, IP Addressing (Fixed Length Subnet Masking, Variable Length Subnet Masking, Classless Inter Domain Routing), Static Routing and Dynamic Routing (RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF), Introduction to NAT, Introduction to IPv6, Introduction of WAN, Infrastructure Security, Software defined network.

    Concepts of OS (20 Hrs)

    Architecture of Operating System, Process Management, Memory Management, File system Management, Network Operating System

    Windows Operating System and Security Issue (50 Hrs)

    Overview of windows operating system, Overview of Administrative Tasks and Tools, Installation of windows operating system, Windows 10/ server 2016 core, Deploying Windows with WDS, Network Configuring, Implementation of infrastructure of windows networks, File system and disk management, Registry settings, System Configuration Settings, Configuration of IIS SQL server, web server and Exchange server, Implementing and administering Active Directory, User accounts and groups in an Active Directory Domain, Maintenance and troubleshooting, Microsoft Windows os Licensing model, Power shell Scripting, Windows Administration using power shell, Background Jobs and Remote Administration.

    Linux Operating System and Security Issue (100 Hrs)

    Systems Concepts, Startup Files, Linux boot process, Installation of Linux, Basic linux commands, Configuring the GRUB boot loader, Disk partition, Controlling and managing Services, Repository configuration, User administration of Linux, Network Configuring, Network Teaming/Load balancing, Define network route, Using SSH for network communications, Using VNC for remote management, Network Authentication, Patches & updates, System Configuration Files, Perform System Management, X configuration server, Package management, The Samba Server, Configuring a DHCP server, Configuring a DNS server, Configuring the Apache web server, Maintenance and troubleshooting, SE LINUX/ APParmor, Basic Service Security, Log Management and NTP, BIND and DNS Security, Network Authentication: RPC, NIS and Kerberos, Apache security(SSL), Bash Scripting, Introduction to BASH Command Line Interface (CLI) Error Handling Debugging & Redirection of scripts, Control Structure, Loop, Variable & String Conditional Statement, Regular Expressions, Automate Task Using Bash Script, Security patches, Logging & Monitoring using script.

    i. MYSQL (20 Hrs)

    Introduction to MYSQL, Installing and Configuring MYSQL, Creating and Dropping Database, Queries in MYSQL.

    ii. Python (50 Hrs)

    Introduction to Python, Python basics, Data Types and variables Operators, Looping & Control Structure List, Modules Dictionaries, string Regular Expressions, Functions and Functional Programming, Object Oriented Linux Scripting Environment, Classes, Objects and OOPS concepts, File and Directory Access Permissions, Libraries and Functionality Programming, Servers and Clients Web Servers and Client scripting, Exploit Development techniques. Writing plugins in Python, Exploit analysis Automation Process, Debugging basics, Task Automation with Python.

    Application Security

    (i) Web Application Security (24 Hrs)

    OWASP Top 10 –2021, Injection and Inclusion, Cross Site Scripting, Injection in stored procedures, Denial of Service, Buffer Overflows and Input Validation, Access Control, DevOps Security, API Security, OWASP top 10 Cloud security Risks, Secure CodeReview, SAST and DAST tools, Case Study on Web Application Framework, use browser-jsguard Firefox add-on also to detect Malicious and Suspicious Webpages. Web Application Security Risks, Identifying the Application Security Risks, Threat Risk Modelling, Other HTTP fields, Data Extraction, Advanced Identification/Exploitation.

    (ii) Mobile Security (20 Hrs)

    Introduction to Android Architecture, Android File Structure, Android Build Process, Android App fundamentals, Android Security Model, Device Rooting, Android Debug bridge, Penetration Testing Tools, OWASP Top 10 Mobile App vulnerabilities, Attacks on Android Apps, Web based attacks on Android devices, Networks based attacks, Social Engineering attacks, Overview of Mobile Malware, Android App Analysis.

    (iii) Ethical Hacking (66 Hrs)

    Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Identifying Different Types of Hacking Technologies, Understanding the Different Phase Involved in Ethical Hacking, Types of Hacker Classes, Goals of Attackers, Functionality and Ease of Use Triangle, Ethical Hacking procedure, Creating a Security Evaluation Plan, Foot-printing and Social Engineering, Tracerouting, Network Scanning and Vulnerability Scanning, SYN, Stealth, XMAS, NULL, IDLE and FIN Scans, TCP Communication Flag Types, Banner Grabbing and OS Finger printing Techniques, Using Proxy servers in launching an Attack, Http tunneling Techniques, IP Spoofing Techniques, Enumeration, Password-cracking Techniques, Redirecting the SMB Logon to the attackers, SMB Redirection, SMB Relay MITM Attacks and Countermeasures, NetBIOS DOS Attacks, DDos Attack, Password-Cracking Countermeasures, Active/Passive online Attacks, Offline Attacks, Keyloggers and other Spyware Technologies, Trojans and Backdoors, Overt and Covert Channels, Reverse-connecting Trojans, Netcat Trojan, Indications of a Trojan Attacks, Wrapping, Trojan Construction Kit and Trojan Makers, The countermeasure Techniques in Preventing Trojans, Trojan Evading techniques, System File Verification, Virus and a Worm, Antivirus Evasion Techniques, Virus Detection Methods, Protocols Susceptible to Sniffing, Active and Passive Sniffing, ARP Poisoning, Ethereal Capture and Display Filters, MAC Flooding, DNS Hacking, DNS Spoofing Techniques, Sniffing Countermeasures, Types of DOS Attacks, Smurf Attacks, SYN Flooding, Spoofing vs Hijacking, Types of Session Hijacking, Steps to perform session Hijacking, Prevention of session Hijacking, Hacking Web Servers, Web Application Vulnerabilities, Web- Based Password Cracking Techniques, Wireless Hacking, WEP, WPA Authentication Mechanisms and Cracking Techniques, Wireless Sniffers and Locating SSIDS, Wireless hacking Techniques, Methods used to secure Wireless Networks, IDSs, Honeypots and Firewalls.

    Ethical Hacking

    Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Understanding Ethical Hacking Terminology, Identifying Different Types of Hacking Technologies, Understanding the Different Phase Involved in Ethical Hacking, Types of Hacker Classes, Ethical Hackers and Crackers, Goals of Attackers, Security, Functionality and Ease of Use Triangle, Ethical Hacking procedure, Creating a Security Evaluation Plan, Foot-printing and Social Engineering, Tracerouting, Port Scanning, Network Scanning and Vulnerability Scanning, SYN, Stealth, XMAS, NULL, IDLE and FIN Scans, TCP Communication Flag Types, Banner Grabbing and OS Finger printing Techniques, Using Proxy servers in launching an Attack, Http tunneling Techniques, IP Spoofing Techniques, Enumeration, Password-cracking Techniques, Cracking Windows Passwords, Redirecting the SMB Logon to the attackers, SMB Redirection, SMB Relay MITM Attacks and Countermeasures, NetBIOS DOS Attacks, DDos Attack, Password-Cracking Countermeasures, Active/Passive online Attacks, Offline Attacks, Keyloggers and other Spyware Technologies, Trojans and Backdoors, Overt and Covert Channels, Types of Trojans, Reverse-connecting Trojans, Netcat Trojan, Indications of a Trojan Attacks, Wrapping, Trojan Construction Kit and Trojan Makers, The countermeasure Techniques in Preventing Trojans, Trojan Evading techniques, System File Verification, Virus and a Worm, Antivirus Evasion Techniques, Virus Detection Methods, Protocols Susceptible to Sniffing, Active and Passive Sniffing, ARP Poisoning, Ethereal Capture and Display Filters, MAC Flooding, DNS Spoofing Techniques, Sniffing Countermeasures, Types of DOS Attacks, Smurf Attacks, SYN Flooding, Spoofing vs Hijacking, Types of Session Hijacking, Steps to perform session Hijacking, Prevention of session Hijacking, Hacking WebServers, Web Application Vulnerabilities, Web-Based Password Cracking Techniques, Wireless Hacking, WEP, WPA Authentication Mechanisms and Cracking Techniques, Wireless Sniffers and Locating SSIDS, Wireless hacking Techniques, Methods used to secure Wireless Networks, IDSs, Honeypots and Firewalls.

    Security Fundamentals, Firewalls, Types of Firewalls, Overview of NextGen Firewall, Limitations of firewall, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Intrusion risks, Security policy, Monitoring and reporting of traffics, Traffic shaping, Investigating and verifying detected intrusions, recovering from, reporting and documenting intrusions, Define the Types of intrusion Prevention Systems, Intrusion prevention system basics, Limitations of Intrusion Prevention System, Spoofing Detection &Prevention, DDos & Dos mitigation techniques, Qos Policy, Introduction of Web Application Firewall, Packet Signature and Analysis, Virtual Private Networks, Deploy and managing VPN, VPN Performance tuning and error handling, DMZ and virtual host, Introduction of Reverse proxy and policies.

    What Cybersecurity Challenges do Organizations Face?, Compliance and Regulations for Cybersecurity ,Compliance Basics, Compliance Frameworks and Industry Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) , General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) , International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 2700x, SOC Reports, SOC Reports - Auditor Process Overview, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS),COBIT Framework, Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls.

    Introduction to Cyber Crime and Cyber Forensics, Basic Forensic Principles, Computer Forensics, Types of Cyber Forensics Techniques, Cyber Forensics Procedures, Detecting Incidents, Handling Evidence, Encoding and Encryption, Cyber Forensics Tools: Sysinternals Suite, FTK Forensics Tool kit, FTK Imager, OSF, Hex, Cyber check Suite.

    Understand Basic Encryption Concepts, File Encryption, Encryption Folders (Graphical/ using cipher), Cryptographic Fundamentals, Cryptographic Ciphers (Symmetric and Asymmetric), Protocols (History, Usage, Key generation, Ciphering message), Symmetric Key Encryption (DES, AES, RC5), Asymmetric Key Encryption (RSA, ECC), Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Attacks against encryption, Cryptographic issues, Secure Hashing Methods, SHA Secure Hash algorithm, HMAC, PKI Fundamentals, Digital Signature, Digital Certificate, CA, Trust Model, Certificate Issuance Process, Certificate Revocation (CRL, OCSP), Types and Classes of Certificate, Introduction to Aadhaar and e-Sign, Time stamping Services, Public Key Cryptography Standards, PKCS, FIPS 140-2, Strong Authentication, Single Factor and Multi-factor authentication, Single Sign-on Solutions, Open-ID and OAUTH, Graphical Passwords, Authentication Protocols, FIDO Authentication, Zero Trust Architecture, Securing Websites and Emails, SSL, TLS, PGP and S/MIME.

    Introduction to ITIL

    Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, Continual Service Improvement

    Data Center Management

    Introduction to DCM, Data Center design, Data Center Security Procedure, Server Security, Storage area network, Virtualization, Docker, kubernets, Introduction of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Private Cloud Setup, Automation Using Cloud API, Server Orchestration, Cloud Logging and monitoring.


    Introduction to DevOps, Docker, Kubernets, Dockerswam, Container, CI/CD Pipelines, Version Control system, containerization with Docker, MicroService Deployment.

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